¤ r@ prezentuje swoj± listê najciekawszych p³yt 2001 ¤

r@ 2002

Top 50 by r@. To tylko moje osobiste preferencje!
Nie jest to podsumowanie sumuj±ce g³osy internautów.

To by³ rok maj±cy kilka spektakularnych debiutów, ale te¿ kilka spektakularnych pora¿ek, knotów i bezp³ciowych produkcji.
Niestety nie dane mi by³o s³yszeæ: Pan Sonic, Alec Empire, Cage Decay, Pain Station, Column One, Synapscape, Typhoid, Contagious Orgasm, Von Schirrach, Frames a Second, Inade, Iszoloscope, Silk Saw, Skincage, Squarepusher, Oval, etc.
Ale jak bêd± dobre to oczywi¶cie dodam do tej listy.

Najlepsze p³yty:

1. "Trace" - Gridlock
2. "Anima" - Vladislav Delay
3. "Drei" - Beefcake
4. "Illusions... - Golden Cycles" – Starfish Pool
5. "Confield" - Autechre
6. "Parsec" - Squaremeter
7. "Epitaph" - Front Line Assembly
8. "Wreath of Barbs" - :Wumpscut:
9. "Polarity" - haujobb.
10. "No Sleep Demon" - Seabound
11. "Labirynth" - Monolith
12. "Trippled Reality" - Substanz T
13. "Cut up The Violence" - Reversal Penetration
14. "Divergent" - Kiew
15. "Identyfikastions..." - Mnemonic
16. "Daimonion" - Projekt Pitchfork
17. "Subfusc" - Tarmvred
18. "Distorted Visions" - Electro Synthetic Rebellion
19. "Newson" - Job Karma
20. "Augmented Lines" - Somatic Responses
21. "Pneuma-ti-coi" - C.H. District
22. "Helium Vola" - Helium Vola
23. "The Living Tissue" - ORPHX
24. "Armageddon" - Stromkern
"Doomsday" - Skinny Puppy
25. "Revenge" - Culture Kultür
26. "Deception" - Clear Vision
27. "Profound and Sentimental" - Black Lung
28. "Great Industrial Love..." - H_M_B
29. "Double Figure" - Plaid
30. "Dataseed" - Cut.Rate.Box
31. "Transients" - Neuroactive
32. "Aleamapper" - Richard Devine
33. "Anxious Space" - XHM2
34. "Mantra" - Ah Cama-Sotz
35. "Metaloid" - Lustmord
36. "Doll, Doll, Doll" - Venetian Snares
37. "Among Others" - Proem
38. "Amelie from Montmarte" - Yann Tiersen
"Notinism" - Spies
39. "Strata Frame" - Electric Birds
40. "Links" - Oil 10
41. "Relief Control" - Flesh Field
42. "Fahrenheit Fair Enough" - Telefon Del Aviv
43. "Azure Skies" - Azure Skies
44. "A Chance to Cut..." - Matmos
45. "My Kind Came First" - Needle Sparing
46. "Druqz" - Aphex Twin
47. "Notes from The Underground" - Clan of Xymox
48. "Vespertine" - Björk
49. "Blowback" - Tricky
50. "The Harrow" - Bad Sector
"Part-Time Paranoia" – Object

druga 50 wkrótce;-)


"2001 A Spock Odyssey" - S.P.O.C.K.
"Come to Me" - The Dust of Basement
"Coeur" - Kramm
"Phosphor" - Unheilig
"Exciter" - Depeche Mode
"Impulse" - Re/Work
"Closure" - Spahn Ranch
"Ukraina" - Dupont
"Groundlevel" - Technoir
"New Horizon" - Mechanical Horizon

Debiut (alfabetycznie):

Azure Skies
Helium Vola
Reversal Penetration


1."Requiem dla snu"

PS. Gdyby kto¶ znalaz³ nie¶cis³o¶ci co do roku produkcji, proszê o kontakt.

-- r@ [28 stycznia 2002]

ostatnie recenzje autora:
Anhedonia - Ontology -- [1 pa¼dziernika 2009]
Boratto, Gui - Take My Breath Away -- [31 marca 2009]
Frontierguards - Predestination -- [6 marca 2009]
Fractional - Come Mierda -- [6 marca 2009]
Squarepusher - Just a Souvenir -- [31 grudnia 2008]

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